然而就在今天,世界权威医学杂志《柳叶刀》以不署名的方式刊登社论(这意味着赌上了杂志社的全部声誉),抨击美国总统特朗普在新冠肺炎疫情期间“前后矛盾、毫无逻辑”的应对措施,并呼吁选民不要让特朗普在今年大选中成功连任。文章说,“美国人民所选出来能在2021年1月入驻白宫的总统,必须明白公共卫生不应该受到党派政治的影响。”One of the world’s oldest and best-known medical journals Friday slammed President Trump’s "inconsistent and incoherent national response" to the novel coronavirus pandemic, and called on Americans to replace the president."Americans must put a president in the White House come January, 2021, who will understand that public health should not be guided by partisan politics," said the unsigned editorial from the Lancet, which was founded in Britain in 1823.Medical journals sometimes run signed editorials that take political stances, but rarely do publications with the Lancet’s influence use the full weight of their editorial boards to call for a president to be voted out of office.这篇题为《重振美国CDC》的社论,为美国CDC(美国病控制和预防中心)这个曾经被视为全球疾病检测与控制黄金标杆的世界一流疾控机构目前的处境感到不平, “美国CDC本是美国公共卫生的旗舰机构,但其作用已被最小化,并在应对病毒传播方面显得无能为力,成为白宫名义上的顾问机构。”文章指出,本该成为这次疫情期间发挥关键作用的CDC,由于保守派政客的长期压制,经费遭大幅度削减,“捉襟见肘”的CDC应对公共健康危机的能力也受到了削弱。The strongly worded critique titled "Reviving the U.S. CDC" accused the Trump administration of relegating the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to a "nominal" role, saying the agency "has seen its role minimized and become an ineffective and nominal adviser."The authors said the agency, which is supposed to be the primary contact for health authorities during crises, had been hamstrung by years of budget cuts that have made it harder to combat public health crises.由于对公共卫生领域的事务并不重视,特朗普多次裁减相关开支。2018年,特朗普更是大刀阔斧地削减CDC经费,迫使其应对美国之外疫病大流行的相关措施不得不缩减八成。今年新冠肺炎疫情发生后,CDC由于跟总统唱反调触怒了特朗普,越发被边缘化。2月25日,CDC的疫情响应团队主要负责人,国家免疫和呼吸疾病中心主任南希·梅森尼尔博士,直言不讳地反驳白宫关于疫情“已经被控制”的判断:“现在根本不是疫情会不会发生的问题,而是什么时候暴发,以及有多少人将患上重病的问题”。她同时警告美国公民,要为疫情将严重干扰个人活动和日常生活做好准备。在南希发出警告后,美国疫情也越发严峻,紧接着在3月,美股经历了有史以来最动荡的一个月:10天四次熔断,这让原本想要拿着经济上的成绩单角逐大选的特朗普十分心伤,他也因此记恨上了CDC,决定将其“雪藏”。因此,从3月9日后再也没有人看见CDC举办过任何新闻发布会,南希也被剥夺了在公开场合发言的机会。在这次疫情期间因其不专业态度屡屡惹出争议的副总统彭斯,却接管了CDC所有的对外沟通工作。特朗普也在白宫疫情发布会上开始了他在媒体面前的花式表演。文章说,“政府沉迷于疫苗、新药之类的灵丹妙药,甚至希望病毒会就这样消失了。但是,只有靠坚持基本的公共卫生原则,例如检测、追踪和隔离,紧急状况才能结束,而这需要一个有效的国家公共卫生机构。”但是特朗普政府却南辕北辙:大肆鼓动重启美国经济的同时,还对CDC提供的严格的复工复产准则提出了质疑。The Trump administration further eroded the CDC's capacity to combat infectious diseases, by slashing its budget, forcing CDC to axe 80 percent of its efforts combating disease outbreaks overseas.After Nancy Messonnier, director of the CDC's National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, warned U.S. citizens to prepare for major disruptions to movement and everyday life, the Trump administration removed her from White House briefings on COVID-19.More recently, the Trump administration has questioned guidelines that the CDC has provided.在周五的白宫疫情发布会上,特朗普表示,美国正在争取在2020年底前研发出新冠病毒疫苗,并将该疫苗研发计划称作“曲速行动”。他称“曲速行动” 正在评估14种候选疫苗,“行动的目标是尽快完成研发,然后生产和推广一种经过验证的新冠疫苗”。但特朗普同时还表示,不管有没有疫苗,美国经济都要重启。许多人认为有效的疫苗是使处在限制下的居民和企业恢复正轨的唯一途径。但特朗普周五明确表示他不同意这一观点,坚持认为随着一些州放松限制规定,经济已经在逐渐恢复。根据美国约翰斯·霍普斯金大学最新数据统计,截至北京时间16日下午3 时 30分,美国新冠肺炎确诊病例达 1,443,397例,死亡病例达 87,568例 。美国疾病控制与预防中心(CDC)主任雷德菲尔德(Robert Redfield)周五(15日)在推特上发文写道,疾控中心追踪12种疫情推算模型,所有模型的推算都显示,美国死亡人数在未来几周会持续上升,并在6月1日前超过10万人。
President Trump said on Friday (15th) that the U.S. is fighting to develop a coronavirus vaccine by the end of 2020, but he does not agree that an effective vaccine is the only way to restore people to normal life. The formal announcement of "Operation Warp Speed" came as researchers around the world scramble to develop a vaccine for the virus that has killed more than 300,000 people globally.The project was said to begin with studies on 14 promising vaccine candidates for accelerated research and approval."I just want to make something clear, it's very important. Vaccine or no vaccine, we're back," Trump said during a midday event in the Rose Garden. "And we're starting a process."Many view an effective vaccine as the only way life can return to normal for people under stay-at-home orders or businesses whose operations have been limited. But Trump made clear Friday he does not share that view, insisting the economy is already rebounding as some states loosen their rules.As of 3:30 p.m. BJT on Saturday, the total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the U.S. reached up to 1,443,397, with 87,568 deaths, according to the latest statistics from Johns Hopkins University in the United States.The CDC tracks 12 different forecasting models of possible COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. As of May 11, all forecasts show an increase in deaths in the coming weeks and a cumulative total exceeding 100,000 by June 1, according to Robert Redfield, director of the U.S. Centers of Disease Control and Prevention.美国确诊病例超141万 特朗普:我们可能检测过度了…...